7 Productivity Rules I Set To Be Indistractable

The reason why I set these rules is because if I’m being honest with myself — I STRUGGLE with productivity. I’m still learning how to be indistractable and (it’s a bit of wince to say but) productive. Or rather, a better way to put it […]

How to celebrate a success — 7 wholesome ways

After nearly a year since I started on the CVA (Certified Veterinary Acupuncture) course and intense months of studying for the exams, I am more than elated to share that I PASSED the examinations. Now the only things left to get my certification are to […]

Taking up a TCVM Veterinary Acupuncture Certification

4 months (wrote this blog in April but publishing only now in July) into the Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA) course at Chi University, I am finally updating about it! Amazed, intrigued, empowered, in awe… There’s so much that I’ve experienced and learnt that I still […]

How to bullet journal: everything you need to get started

Since I started to bullet journal, my life has been heading in the direction I know my heart truly belongs. With a much clearer sense of priority and direction, taking action towards achieving what I truly value has been a much easier and less daunting […]

All you need to know about fasting your pet

As a veterinary nurse, this was a topic that needed to be explained clearly and simply to pet owners. Because not only is the animal’s life at stake, it can cause much inconvenience to the veterinary work and the clients’ time when the fasting instructions […]

My first impromptu budget solo travel in Malaysia

It’s weird because I’m finally (more than a year overdue!) writing this blog post. Since then, I’ve travelled solo to Malaysia numerous times and travelled (with a friend) to 5 cities in Romania — which I will hopefully write about it in my next blog. […]

9 study techniques I’m using for focus and consistency

I just finished the first semester of vet school, WOOHOO! Which included a partial examination in the mid of the semester and final exam. I’ve tried a number of study techniques in these 4 months and found some to have not only helped me enjoy […]