All You Need to Know About Cat Vaccine

Core vaccines for cats protect against feline parvovirus, feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus.  Core vaccination is highly recommended to all cats, especially cats that are outdoors or semi-outdoors due to the higher risk of exposure to the viruses with interactions with other cats. Even completely […]

How to Celebrate Christmas Uniquely

As part of living life more excitingly with little adventures, I decided to celebrate this year’s (and subsequent) Christmas by doing something unique!. I never really celebrated Christmas other than being sucked into the galore of shopping and food promotions. Yes, I used to look […]

All About Dog Vaccination in Singapore

This blog post is mainly in the context of Singapore and what the core and common non-core vaccines cover. Different countries/geographical locations will have different regulations and requirements (such as rabies vaccine is a core vaccine in US but not in Singapore) so do call […]

6 Reasons Why Gap Years Are Useful

1. Finding your passion. Or reaffirm your passion.  Gap years are usually taken after graduating high school, junior college or polytechnic, before the start of university. However, some do take it after university, before starting their first job. Anyhow, it is perfectly fine either way, […]